20. When your parents won't get a maid
It stinks when you're rich but your parents still want you to do manual labor.
Worst: My parents refusing to pay for any maids/helpers around the house because they are paranoid that they will steal or break things, leaving me to mow the lawn and vacuum the carpet and do all sorts of manual labor chores.
I don't want to sound whiny, but manual labor is TOUGH. I mean, I'm fine doing the dishes or ironing, etc., but spending an hour pushing a grass-cutter around outside is definitely not for me, especially when I know we can afford to have someone else do it.
| kykyelric
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19. You can lose your taste for the simpler stuff
Being wealthy means losing contact with your pal Ronald.
Once you can afford nicer things, you get "anchored" and start disdaining the cheap stuff. E.g., now that my expletive is pampered with heated/ventilated leather seats every day, I probably won't be able to bring myself to driving the old beater I had as my first car. Or now that I can afford to eat out at a real restaurant, I'm never stepping into McDonald's/Burger King except to take a leak during a road trip.
18. People assume the worst about you
When you're rich, you can encounter a lot of haters.
It can be annoying when people stereotype you. My friend's parents wouldn't let me come over to his house for months because they said "All rich people are the same" and thought I got a free ride my whole life. It was only after I actually chatted with them that they realized how wrong they were.
I've also had a lot of gold diggers and fake friends give it a crack, but you learn how to avoid them after a while.
Honestly, though, I definitely would never think of myself or my family as the "social" elite. We don't flaunt our wealth, and even when Dad bought a Lamborghini he felt silly driving it and sold it the next month.
| MajorKill18
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Learn More17. Having the world weighing on your shoulders
When you're wealthy, you feel your money doesn't go enough to solve the world's problems.
The worst thing is the burden of population control and protecting the environment from humans. We are a species that needs constant genocide, war and exploitation in order to attempt to reverse the damage we have done.
| Random[Expletive]YouGuy
16. Feeling like a sell-out
Getting rich meant being around people he hated, doing things that were against his personal values, for years.
The suckiest part about being rich when you're someone like me is that it often means throwing away your real dreams for a super long time while you make your money. For me, it meant being around people I hated, doing things that were against my personal values, for years. I sold out. Although to be honest that's not even a bad thing. I was able to pay all of my student debt and create huge savings for my old age.
| buttcomplex
15. Dealing with the freeloaders
When you've got money, you have to say no a lot.
There are occasional times where I would think friends were just there to get a free ride. With my personal favorite being, "I have a great idea for a business! Can you lend me $15,000 for the start-up costs?"
| hello-this-is-gary
14. Missing out on the little things
When you're wealthy, you can feel a lot of FOMO.
It's nice to have enough money to not worry about certain things, but it's not worth it if you never get to spend the time you want with the people you care about most. You miss out on so much. Money really isn't everything.
| heveabrasiliensis
13. Getting snubbed when you don't dress the part
People don't believe you're wealthy if you prefer wearing jeans.
We're a jeans/T-shirts couple, but I like watches and she, purses. When we shop for watches/purses, most sales people do not give us any attention. This goes for almost anything we've shopped for that has a "wealthy" label involved: watches, purses, fancy restaurants, homes, cars, etc.
12. Being afraid of lower-class places and foods
When you've got money, you want to stay out of dark alleys.
Rough neighborhoods scare me. Most assume because I'm a person of color I'd automatically be comfortable.
Also, I think of some places as rough and scary that others think of as regular.
I care where my food comes from in the sense that I'm a locavore (preferring locally grown or produced food) and can't really palate processed food or chain restaurants.
| lavasca
11. Lacking the time to enjoy being rich
Money can't buy the one thing you'd love to have: more time.
Worst thing: Having absolutely no time, ever. I spend all my time keeping up with things and working, and there's basically no offline time or time to myself in general. I like working on cars, but not anymore because there's no way to fit that in.
This weekend is the exception to the rule, however. I cooked a couple of nights ago, and today I'm just cleaning. It's like the old days when things weren't crazy, just cleaning the windows in a few rooms made me about the happiest person out there.
| schicksal
More: Surprising things rich people buy
10. Everybody thinks you're a bank
They really don't give a damn about you, they just want to borrow money from you.
I'm a hardcore saver and people that know that I have any money at all, are always asking to borrow money.
It pretty much aways ends up bad. I had a co-worker ask to borrow money to buy a truck, I didn't want to get involved in it, he took offense to it.
It seems pretty thin that they really don't give a damn about you, they just want to borrow money from you. Same thing when you have anything of value. It's pretty insulting, to be honest.
I've always found it best to not discuss it with people, but they just seem to find things out.
| KarlJay001
9. Family may want you to keep up appearances
Your father can think you should be keeping up with the Joneses.
For me the worst thing about being wealthy is that my family judges us for it. My dad makes constant off-the-wall comments about what I "can afford," usually while I'm grocery shopping at Aldi or using a coupon code to order something online... He thinks we should be keeping up with the Joneses if you will. My driving a used $15,000 SUV seem crazy to him. He doesn't seem at all proud of what I have accomplished and I can't even tell him I've hired a housekeeper.
| gamerchickrealty
8. 'Friends' hate you for it
When some in your social circle find out what you make, they can be resentful.
Dual-income-no-kids high earners here. We make a combined $360,000 per year. ...
At the end of the day, I think the greatest downside we have is the palpable resentment of some of our friends/family members who have less than we do. You'll have to take my word for it when I say that we aren't flamboyant or arrogant about our wealth, but when some in our social circle find out what we make (or more typically they intuit it based on how we live), they can become entitled/expectant, or just generally bitter with us.
| goloquitur
7. Wealth can make dating difficult
Dating can change a lot once they find out you have money.
I don't get along well with the other people in my income bracket generally. They all seem to want to buy overpriced things that target the wealthy just because. $250 jeans? No. I buy $30 Old Navy jeans and wear them until the crotch rips ... $90,000 car? I've been driving the same car since 2008 and I bought it used back then.
Dating changed a lot. Not so much getting dates as I never talk about income and I sure as hell don't look like I have any money (T-shirt, jeans, old boots is all I ever wear, I don't even own anything else), but everyone I've dated who has found out has just completely changed for the worse.
| RailsIsAGhetto
6. Kids can get picked on over it
When their family is wealthy, kids can get bullied.
Don't get me wrong, being rich is awesome, that's not being argued. It's just objectively better than being poor. But when I used to tell people about being kinda wealthy back in middle school, I got bullied for it pretty badly. People would constantly just taunt me and make fun of me for it ... I was a bit ostracized as the "rich kid". People thought I was snobby or "high on my horse", when in fact I'm a pretty easy going and laid back dude.
It made me angry and tearful at the same time. I started spending no money at all, refusing to take money for basic things like lunch money for school from my parents, and I basically dressed as a homeless person with the same hoodie and jeans and basic T-shirt everyday, despite it being torn to hell, for around four years.
| DoritoKat
5. It's no cure for the blues
When you're depressed and rich, there's really no motivation to do anything.
Best part: Not having to worry about anything. Worst part: Not having to worry about anything.
More info: I am from an old-money family with parents who raised me to be as normal and middle class as possible. I had no idea that we were rich until around high school. For instance, I just thought that everyone in my public school went for a vacation every month to different resorts.
I mean it's nice and all, but when you're depressed, there's really no motivation to do anything. I have no hopes, no dream, no desires. I'm just tired all the time.
| yashendra2797
More: Things a rich kid would never understand
4. You're always expected to treat
Friends can assume your pockets are bursting with cash and that you should be the one to buy.
While not super-rich, I do live in the generally wealthier part of the city and my parents have well-paying jobs.
The worst thing, which really isn't so bad, is my friends assuming I'm completely rolling in cash, which can get annoying sometimes.
"Oh, you live in the rich area, you can shout us food today, right?" Yes, I live in "the rich area," but that doesn't mean I'm the one with cash. My parents are.
| epicsmiley14
3. You never stop worrying about being broke
You can feel you are just one bad illness or accident away from losing it all.
I don't have much in my bank account after all the bills every month (and I still do all the housework and childcare — the only thing that gets paid for is the lawn) but I do have some real estate assets. ...
The bad part is that I have the crippling knowledge that we are just really one bad illness or accident away from losing it all anyway, so it gives me anxiety. I still worry about making all the bills since there's a lot of upkeep for the properties, and the tenants often destroy things.
| lunchesandbentos
2. Your children can feel entitled
Teaching your kids the value of money can be a challenge.
Worse part is trying to teach my 13-year-old kid the value of money. He's the "rich one" amongst his friends and we are trying to manage his attitude with money and teach him to work hard for himself.
| mscuppycake
1. It can get kinda boring
When getting a paycheck means nothing, it's not as fun.
It can be less fulfilling. When getting a paycheck means nothing, it's not as fun. Of course you don't strictly need to work if you have enough money, but if you don't then what do you do with your time?
Gotta do something... Otherwise it gets boring as hell — I tried. It's awesome for a month to do nothing. Then I got bored.
I have a job I love, and I look forward to going to work. It's not about the money, it's about my colleagues and the work I do.
| devildograchel
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